Friday, October 30, 2009


The epoxy on the chinelogs took well, the scarf is a success as far as I'm concerned. Once I sanded down the excess epoxy the joint looks clean and tight, I'm happy with the result. Today I placed the chinelogs in position onto the sides of the boat. I did things a little opposite because I'm by myself and I was trying to make the operation go smoothly and precisely. I placed the bow piece 5cm back as dictated by the plans, with 1cm overhang the bottom edge, and screwed it in place. I placed a total of 6 position screws that are not designed to provide the clamping power, I used clamps instead. I get the feeling that the plans call for screws to be pushed through from the outside of the hull, but I felt I'd have more control over the chinelogs if I did everything facing them. I was careful to place the screws in hidden locations, behind BH's, in watertight tanks, etc. I have pretty much 1cm throughout the length of the side, with a few locations with 1mm variations, of which I'm ok with. A pre-coat of epoxy, then thickened epoxy application, clamps, clean up (difficult), and viola:

All I have left to do now is put together that stem and I can do a dry-fit.


  1. Excellent progress! I've wondered about screwing the chine logs the way you did it. Glad to hear that worked. Did the screws go through the hull panels?

  2. I used 1" drywall screws, so they did not go through the ply completely. I positioned two screws in the forward watertight bulkhead, one forward of the buttstrap, which will be visible, one behind BH3 and BH4 and one in the aft watertight compartment. I worked forward to aft using ruler and clamps and got a pretty consistent 10mm overlap throughout the sides.

  3. Sounds like you are planning to leave the screws in place? If so, that is more of a variation than I was thinking of... But, I like the idea and will give it some serious consideration. Thanks.

  4. No I'm sorry Bob, I am not leaving the screws in place. I tried to carefully "hide" them so the holes that are left when I pull them out won't be visible-- trying to keep the lines smooth and slick to the eye, per Storer's pleadings.

  5. I am also building a GIS and am at te same phase right now. I did not see specific insttructions on screwing these parts, so I assumed that it was from the outside (painted side) into the chine logs.
