Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Seal Says, "ART-ART"

GIS Amateur Style loves to follow the wonderfully chill blog of Trevor over at "eh...whatever." It's a beguiling compendium of middle-America rustica swarming with boats, bikes, pipes, guns, camping, leathercraft, other miscellany, and finally-- art.

Recently, I participated in a call-to-action by Trevor and donated money to a local family near him that was dealing with tragedy. To spur interest for this local cause, he offered a coffee related painting.  I asked for one of Cap'n Jon and his Phoenix III, TWO HEARTED-- but painted out of coffee-- which is something that Trevor is famous for! Very, very groovy.

Cap'n Jon sailing through the Milky Way of his caffeine-fueled dreams.
Free parking to those that correctly deduce the location on the map!

Additionally, and without request...!!!
Woah, Trevor, Woah!

SCOUT in all her glory charging hard,
who is that nobleman at the helm?

Absolutely slamming job, I say, slamming.

THANK YOU TO TREVOR from the entire staff here at GIS Amateur Style & tSP21T


  1. Glad you like them! They were a couple of very fun pieces to work on.

  2. Lovely artworks. They elevate this salty blog to a whole new level!
