Another blast out to Isles of Shoals for my Goat Island Skiff!
The intrepid reader will remember last year's trip. That trip was C-R-A-Z-Y with a roaring tailwind J-Pirate and myself hung on for dear life and made it the Isles in about an hour, and that included non-direct route a pansy-jibe (the 270 deg. tack). The way back was 3 hours in pounding waves. I went a second time with L-Man, and it took 3 hrs to get out there in fickle winds and a strong current, and about 1.5 hrs back.
Well, the other day L-Man and myself went out there in about 1.5hrs! He felt better about all this Isles of Shoals stuff. Epic snorkeling ensued. The water was amazing.
I put two similar pictures because the water color was so awesome. L-Man took some video! Effing right, youTubes videos, Amateur Style continues to push the edges of technology!
You have to click on the link because I couldn't embed it.
The way back.... L-Man not so happy. With a screwed up current and strong winds from the same direction, FOUR HOURS to get back to the harbor with a stint of slow rowing. Dismal, after a while. I would like, for once to get there and back without some long slog. SIGH So beautiful, but we pay the price.