In that light, I've decided to do a mini-series on the different gear I carry about my stalwart steed, and I strongly invite the reader to suggest other equipment that they may see fit. We start with the maintenance kit, which is a toolshed in a bag.
Continuing counterclockwise, a wide assortment of carabiners, shackles, clips, blocks, fairleads, one camcleat, and a hundred plastic zipties. The serious Intrepid Reader knows that I pretty much bend on all my sails (GIS and duckpunt) to their yards with zipties because I am lazy, they are cheap, and it works. I will never win a classy hoity-toity prize at Mystic, but I'm not in the sailing for the prizes. I'm into sailing for the BABES. This blog is not known for the babes, but I am ever hopeful that one day they will materialize and I will have the best blog post ever seen!
Next up we have a bag of leather (literally, a bag) from some of my favorite rum, leather strapping, a spare oarlock, and an extra propellor for the Iron Mizzen. Finally we rest our eyes on what I call "Tools in a Slightly Oiled T-Shirt." Pretty self-explanatory there.
Not pictured is a spare spark plug, and hose clamps.
NOW, strictly speaking in a maintenance (not emergency) sense, what else would you include in the above kit? Anything you find indispensable that I do not have but should?